The FCC Includes Career Centers from all 12 Public Universities in the State of Florida

About FGCU

Career Development Services is dedicated to helping students explore career options, gain insight about their personality, work values and interests, participate in networking and professional development, gain real-world hands-on experiences and find success and meaning through their education and work.

Career Development Services
Center for Career and Exploratory Advising
10501 FGCU Blvd. S.
Fort Myers, FL 33965


Phone: 239-590-7946

FGCU All Majors Career & Internship Fair*

Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU)

Date: February 17, 2022
Time: February 17, 10am - 2pm
Location: Cohen Student Union Ballroom

Keys To Success: Utilize a variety of recruiting services and/or programs; Maintain a high level of visibility and name recognition on campus; Get to know the Career Centers’ staff and help us to understand your hiring needs and preferences so we can assist you in developing the best strategy to achieve your goals.

  1. Attend Career Expos/Job Fairs – Expos and Job Fairs provide excellent opportunities to showcase your organization, develop your brand on campuses, and to network with students and alumni/ae from a wide range of academic majors.
  2. Post Jobs/Internships in Online systems – Each of the 10 State University Career Centers offer an online job/internship posting system which can be accessed by employers and students 24/7. Can be accessed through each Career Center’s Homepage. Employers create a profile, login and password and can post jobs, collect resumes, register for job fairs, and schedule on-campus recruiting activity.
  3. Information Session – Schedule a room/time to present information about your organization to students.
  4. Information Table – Set up an information display table in a high traffic area on campus. This approach allows you to speak informally with students about your organization.
  5. On-campus Interviews – This service which includes use of Career Centers’ interview rooms, enables recruiters to prescreen candidates and to schedule interviews.